
2015 - Today

A pit inside me \

i need the sun on my skin \

fogged the view within.

Working with my hands \

my daily coconut thoughts \

working with my brain.

A race with no end \

chasing tails from the black screen \

you will die hungry.

What would you give up \

to look up and see the stars \

why would you miss out?

Look at the moon light /

Venus absorbing sunshine /

Orbiting in time.

Memories flash back /

the pictures are such contrast /

in time paints the past.

Rainfall in the day /

Sunshine wicks it all away /

Mud path paved with clay.

This is only now /

we wait for our own good /

we will assume form.

My light, always shine /

the path is dark and worth it /

this will also pass.

We found each other /

the cycle continues on /

a spark lights the way.

Put my hands in dirt /

pull out clay from planet earth /

forge my time in place.

And when winter comes /

then the existential dread sets /

here I go again.